Profile PictureMilica Celikovic MILICRAFT.psd

Animal Portrait Studies

9 ratings

This is demo of how I practice studies making it about rendering animals in semi realistic style in one to three hour long real time videos. I do them in my free time to not get rusty with rendering, learn something new on how to draw shapes and textures of animals, and also because I enjoy just drawing creatures I admire.

I want to put it for free but it won't let me since file sizes are too big, however if you feel like donating feel free do to so. 

From the files you will get:

  • 3 videos (study of cat, horse, baby croco) in real time, no narration
  • 3 Speedup videos of thatsame process (same as on my YouTube)
  • Two of each animals as sketch and final image (6 images)

*Video of a horse is in different format as it is recorded from the second monitor and Photoshop interface and cursor are not recorded within camera frame.

*Reference images for the animals are not included.

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You will get 3 videos in real time of how I do my animal studies, sketch and final image of each animal, same videos but in speedup version too.

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Animal Portrait Studies

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